Sunday, November 7, 12:45 ET

12:45-2:15 ET

Cinquecento And Ottocento

Megan Kaes Long, Chair

  • Carlos A. Perez Tabares, A Female Pastoral: Northern Italian Ballads as a Topic in Primo Ottocento Opera
  • Peter Schubert, Willaert’s Contrapuntal Strategies

Jonathan De Souza, Chair

  • James Renwick, Pitch, Voicings, and Fretboard Transformations in Tōru Takemitsu’s “Rosedale”
  • Nicholas J. Shea, Open Strings as Lorentzian Wormholes: Traversing Parallel Universes in Fretboard Space
  • Joti Rockwell, Theorizing Musical Motion: Moving with the Steel Guitar

Matt BaileyShea, Chair

  • Matthew Arndt, Was ist: Satz
  • Joshua Tanis, The Trouble with Line 3: Richard Strauss’s Sentential Settings of Four-Line Stanzas
  • Michael Buchler, “Everything’s Coming up Roses”: Momma Rose’s Unfettered Optimism in Gypsy and her Problems with (Musical) Boundaries
Compositional Uses Of Space

Mariusz Kozak, Chair

  • Christopher Goddard, “Your Soul is the Whole World”: Spatial Tension in Claude Vivier’s Siddhartha
  • Orit Hilewicz, Experiencing Spaces through Musical Subjects in Caroline Shaw’s Plan and Elevation (2015) and Morton Feldman’s Rothko Chapel (1971)
  • Zachary Zinser, Playing with Perspective in Billie Eilish’s “Party Favor” (2017)